For years, I have resolved NOT to get involved with a New Year's Resolution for a number of reasons; the main two being that I simply have poor will power, and when I do decide I need to make a change for the better, I find it best implementing the appropriate practices immediately.
Last year, I decided to take a monthly approach to resolutions. So, rather than choosing one or two things to "promise for the entire year," I decided to take on a goal/task/resolution each month. Unfortunately, this didn't last long. While it seemed completely "doable" I set myself up for failure in the first two months by being overly ambitious with my goals. . . so by March, I was done trying.
As 2014 winds down, I find myself thinking about the past year and everything that I didn't get done, both professionally and personally. While it wasn't a bad year, it also wasn't a spectacular one, either. I don't feel like I grew much - and that feeling leaves me very uncomfortable.
I read this article titled "15 Phrases that will Change Your Life in 2015," and I found it pretty thought-provoking. It got me thinking, not about "what" I want to do in the new year, but "who" I want to be.
I want to be inspiring.
I want to be inspired.
While the idea is only a couple of short sentences, this means quite a few things, all at once. I will do my best to say "no" when my life is too busy to take on one more thing. I will not be afraid to try to learn new things. I will wake up earlier so that I have more time in the day, but when the mood strikes on those days that allow it, I will stay curled up in bed for just a bit longer without guilt. I will smile more, and strive to worry less. When I inevitably stress and worry over things I cannot control, I will not beat myself up over this slip up- instead, I will breathe deeper and count to 10 ((or maybe even 20...)) I will look for the good in people. I will do my best to make the good in me easy for others to find.
I will write more letters, whether they be to friends and family, or simply to myself. I will send more mail to my friends, "just because."
I will pray more.
So, that's it, This is what I am resolving for the New Year. I intend to allow myself to be inspired. I intend to take the time to let whatever inspires me take action inside my head and my heart. Rather than push things aside and let life keep me "too busy," I resolve to find time to live an inspired life. I intend to search for inspiration, beauty and good in everything, and I intend to share those same wonderful nuggets of inspiration, beauty and good with anyone who'll have them.
I will spend 2015 being inspired,
What is your resolution?
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