Even though the week is half over, I cannot seem to get my head into the "work" mode. I may or may not still be feeling a little exhausted from our weekend...
Saturday morning I was up early to get a few things done around the house, and then Neil and I were off to Norman to celebrate my best friend's 10 year wedding anniversary. Shannon and Macky didn't have a wedding ten years ago, so they threw one helluva party to celebrate this milestone anniversary. It was a great time- and I am sad to say that I didn't get many photos. So, you'll just have to take my word for it--- it was fun!
I'm doing my best to get through this week and then Saturday we are flying out to Washington DC for a few days. It's my first time there, and we are going for a very exciting reason, ((more on that later)) so it's hard to concentrate on anything else.
I'll be fairly quiet around here for the next week or so, but look forward to sharing details from our DC trip very soon!
I thought this was a fun linkup for a Friday- so I'm joining in! I encourage you to go do the same!
The idea is to list 5 things. Anything. And then head over here and link up!
I found a link to this article about a Friday night dinner ritual on A Cup of Jo today... and fell in love. Seriously, the idea of having a dinner party ritual is just so amazing. Living in a small community ((actually, living out in the middle of nowhere, 12 miles away from a small community)) makes it hard to keep a social life alive these days. I have some a handful of wonderful friends here in my tiny town, and I am blessed to be close to my family, but most people in my "social circle" live an hour or more away. The thought of having regular gatherings sounds heavenly. I suggest reading this!
I don't know how I managed to sleep without lavender and cedarwood essential oils. Since I started using Young Living oils, my life has gotten so much better in so many ways... but nothing tops the sleep quality these days. I diffuse a couple drops of lavender and cedarwood every night, and my days of having trouble dozing off are LONG gone. Amen, and amen.
((info on essential oils can be found here. Or email me!))
I am super excited to be heading to Norman tomorrow to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of my friends Shannon and Macky. Shannon is my very best friend, and I absolutely adore her husband. They didn't have a wedding years ago, so we are having a P-A-R-T-Y for this big anniversary. Finally, a night of social activity! ((see number one))
I believe my love for Pearl Jam will never die. I've been listening to PJ for a few days straight while working in my office, and this song in particular just never gets old.
This morning's run was a tough one for me. It wasn't the first day for me to do this particular week of the run/walk program, and I got through it fairly well the other day...so I'm not sure why today was so tough. Either way, as difficult ((and slow)) as it was, I got through it. I am almost up to week 5 in my 9 week training program... who would have thought?!
When it comes to footwear, I'm pretty basic: I could live in my Toms.
((I'd really just rather be barefoot, always.))
Don't get me wrong- I love a nice heel now and then- but for the most part, I prefer flats that leave me feeling as close to barefoot as possible.
I'm noticing that flats are considered "in" this fall, which has me over the moon. I've been eyeing the ballet-style design for a while now. Sure, these won't work through winter- but for the temperate Oklahoma autumn months, I think these are perfect.
I'm so sad that Labor Day has come and gone. Even with the temperatures still around 100 degrees, I can't help but feel like summer is gone.
I spent my weekend doing exactly what I had hoped for: swimming, spending time with family and being lazy.
Neil teaching Chloe a guitar riff
Mallory & Chloe, "riding the gate."
Perfect way to end the summer. . .
My Labor Day wardrobe...
This weekend was also my dad's birthday... it's times like these that I really hate him living so far away. I called and talked to him a few times over the weekend, but it would have been so much better to have had him here in Oklahoma.
I dug this great photo out of storage and posted it on Facebook, just to make sure he got lots of birthday love. This is one of my favorite photos of my dad- it was taken on his 19th birthday in 1975. I absolutely love photos of my parents, taken before they were my parents.
I hope your Labor Day was full of fun, family, friends and anything else you wanted!